New Jersey Real Estate: 3 Ethics Credits
This course covers the REALTOR Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS in its entirety. Students will learn about the Preamble to the Code, the 17 Articles of the Code and their respective Standards of Practice, as well as the Pathways to Professionalism.
When mold is found, sellers downplay mold, buyers hit the panic button. Mold is not a selling feature and will not be mentioned on the sell sheet so how do you address it to keep the transaction on track? Attendees will learn how to manage mold during the real estate transaction for all parties. Mold and mildew are the same, but only the word mold can stall the sale of a property – for both a seller and a buyer. This class will allow the attendee to understand what makes a mold a concern and how it can be a health hazard. There are many mold litigations cases, Curren will go into detail about these cases, some famous so the attendee can understand how mold can lead to lawsuits. The class goes into detail on where mold is most likely found in a home, how it can be found in new homes and how to manage mold in a real estate transaction. Learn mold fact from mold fiction, what is mold, black mold and toxic mold. Learn about mold inspections, mold testing & interpretation is performed. The session will detail mold remediation and how remediation is performed.
This session will provide insights into what mold is, where and how it grows. Why some homes have mold and others do not. Attendees will understand how mold grew on the property and how corrective action to the cause can and will prevent future growth. The attendee will learn the most likely places mold can grow and how it grows. The attendee will be able to take with them the knowledge of explaining mold to both sellers and buyers, including the need to disclose found mold to future buyers. The likelihood of mold in new homes, older homes, flipped homes, bank owned homes and why. The attendee will learn more about the health concerns of mold, how certain mold spores are more cause for concern over others. This class goes into depth on mold litigation cases and why those cases even made it into the court system. It discusses how to provide the appropriate information to their clients regarding mold inspections and mold testing. The attendee will also learn what mold remediation is and how it is performed as well as how tomove forward in a transaction if mold remediation was previously performed.